
C++ : static_cast and dynamic_cast

Typecasting is frequently used in C++ programming. Typecasting is used to tell the compiler that, even though the object is of one type, treat the object like some other type.

C++ provides the below types for casting

Casting Operators : dynamic_cast

Syntax : dynamic_cast <type> (Expression)
dynamic_cast operator is used to obtain the pointer to the deriverd class.
- dynamic_cast is a keyword.
- type is a pointer / reference to a previously defined class, it could also be a pointer to void.
- Expression if a pointer if the type is a pointer or it could be a l-value if the type is a reference.

Dynamic Casting
The dynamic_cast is used for
- A safe casting from a base class pointer to a derived class pointer.
   Derived * ptr_derived = dynamic_cast < Derived * > ( ptr_base ).
   This is often referred as safe down-casting and is also another way of finding out the run time type information ( RTTI ) of the pointer / reference.
   If the dynamic_cast is successful, the derived class pointer points to the object of derived class. In case of a failure, the derived class pointer points to NULL.

- A safe casting from an l-value of a base class type to a reference to a derived class type.
   Derived & ref_derived = dynamic_cast < Derived & > ( ref_base ).
   On success of the dynamic_cast, the derived class reference will refer to the object that the base class reference is referring to. In case of a failure,
   an exception of type bad_cast is thrown.

Casting Operators : static_cast
Syntax : static_cast <type> (Expression)
static_cast operator is used for making any conversion explicit which compiler performs implicitly.
- static_cast is a keyword.
- type is a built_in or a user defined type.
- Expression is a built_in or a user defined type.

The static_cast works in a similar manner to the traditional typecasting i.e it converts the expression to the data type of the type.
static_cast does not check the run-time type (of to and from) to ensure the safety during the conversion.

C++ program to demonstrate dynamic_cast & static_cast.


using namespace std;

class Employee {

    virtual void Get_Salary () = 0;

class Software_Engineer : public Employee {
    void Get_Salary () {
        cout << "Software Engineer's salary : $ 100000" << endl;

class Engineering_Manager : public Employee {
    void Get_Salary () {
        cout << "Engineering Manager's salary : $ 250000" << endl;

class Vice_President : public Employee {
    void Get_Salary () {
        cout << "Vice President Engineering : $ 400000" << endl;

void PayRoll (Employee & emp) {

    // Note : If the dynamic cast in unsuccessful, an exception of type bad_cast is thrown.
    try {
        Software_Engineer& se = dynamic_cast<Software_Engineer&>(emp);
    } catch (bad_cast b) {
        cout << "Exception : " << b.what() << endl;

    try {
        Vice_President& vp = dynamic_cast<Vice_President&>(emp);
    } catch (bad_cast b) {
        cout << "Exception : " << b.what() << endl;

int main() {

    Employee * Employee_ptr = new Software_Engineer;

    // Get Engineering Manager's salary using static cast

    // Note : No run-time type check is done to ensure the safety of the conversion.
    Engineering_Manager * mgr_ptr_1 = static_cast<Engineering_Manager*> (Employee_ptr);
    mgr_ptr_1->Get_Salary();  // Incorrectly get's Software Engineer's salary.

    // Get Engineering Manager's salary using dynamic cast
    Engineering_Manager * mgr_ptr_2 = dynamic_cast<Engineering_Manager*> (Employee_ptr);

    if (mgr_ptr_2) {
    } else {
        cout << "Pointer is NULL. Casting invalid" << endl;

    Engineering_Manager mgr;
    Software_Engineer se;
    Vice_President vp;


    return 0;


Software Engineer's salary : $ 100000
Pointer is NULL. Casting invalid
Exception : std::bad_cast
Vice President Engineering : $ 400000

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